Joke of the Day: ‘What we give God’ by Christian Association of Nigeria

At the end
of a 3 days Annual conference by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in
Abuja, there was a discussion among three priests from different Christian denominations.
One was a protestant Priest, the second a Catholic Priest, while the third is a
member of “The Pentecostal Fellowship”.

The point of their discussion was about
how much of the Sunday offerings they gave to God and how much each one kept
for himself.

First to
speak was the Protestant Priest. He said, “I
divide all the money coming into the church into two—a big pile and a small
pile. The big one is for God and the small one I keep for myself”.
“As for me” says the Catholic Priest, “I divide the money into two equal piles,
one for God and one for me”
 In the case of the ‘Pentecostal’ priest, he
said, “I put all the monies on a tray and
throw everything up into the air, and what God wants, He keeps and drops mine
on the ground”
(Culled from the book First Hundred Jokes of Our Time by Olaleye Falore)