Modupe Ozolua |
the business of Body enhancement service for the high and mighty, Modupe Ozolua may have unknowingly
decided to redirect the course of her life when she first dabbled into
humanitarian acts of reconstructive surgery to the less privileged and
generally making it a duty to uplift humanity the best way she can.
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Her recent
incursion into Northern Nigeria and
helping to improve the living conditions of internally displaced persons and
villagers in Adamawa and Borno States
in North Eastern Nigeria has inadvertently earned the Edo State (Southern Nigeria) born beauty the name, Sarauniyar Alheri which means Queen of Generosity and Goodness, a name that aptly fits her
passion. The highly respected entrepreneur and philanthropist has earned
numerous educational and entrepreneurial awards and global nominations,
including the National Dean’s list
in the United State of America which
honor students in universities and colleges in the USA. Under her leadership, her body enhancement projects have
received global recognition, particularly for pioneering cosmetic surgery in West Africa.