the years, there have been several misconceptions about the effects beer consumption
has on the body. Many people had fallaciously believed it is unhealthy to take
Beer. Some believe it shorten lives other says it makes people develop big
belly, leads to misbehaving in the public and could make some men mal-handle
their partners. But a recent study and investigation conducted by City
People about the effect of beer on the body has revealed that many
factors can cause any of these without taking beer.
A Healthy life style is
said to be a desirable way of life, which stipulates that we focus more on
preventive health rather than the curative. That is what best illustrate what
you are about to read here about your beer consumption and other choice alcohol
drinks. The danger in consuming them and the health benefits of beer in
particular. The medical advantages of alcohol have been hidden from the general
public for many years, and the reason usually advance for the obfuscation in
the patronizing one that alcohol (beer), delightful as it is to take and good
as it is for the heart, cannot be trusted to the masses lest they drink
themselves to death. Due to the misinformation people have gotten about beer
which has over the years become subject matter not only in our society but
globally, penultimate week. City People Magazine embarked on a
thorough research about beer and its health benefits by visiting one of the
biggest beer manufacturing factories in Nigeria (Nigeria Breweries Plc, Ibadan Oyo
State), we also spoke to nutrition experts including Mr.
Tola Atinmo, (FAS) the Professor of Human Nutrition, University of
Ibadan who shed more light on the role of beer in healthy lifestyle.
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“There are at
least 2 ways in which an alcohol
beverage such as beer might impact beneficially on the body: First, through a
direct physiological impact on bodily tissues and functions (which will be
focused upon here); Second, through indirect impact, but founded equally on a
physiological interaction”.
beverage produced by the scarification of starch and fermentation of resulting
sugar. The starch and scarification enzyme are often derived from malted cereal
grains, most commonly malted barley and malted wheat. It is made of water, Barley,
Hops and yeast. 90-92% of beer is water which can
said that drinking beer is more like drinking flavored water. Barley produces
sugar after it’s being malted to sweet worth because it is the soul of beer
before Hops add spicy aroma and bitter flavors and yeast changes sugars into
alcohol. Corn and other adjuncts give beer a milder and lighter-bodied flavor.
Beer is not a medicine to be prescribed by doctors (some doctors do it
underneath to close patient/relations!) but rather a food stuff that should be
approached within social environs that are mature, considerate and reasonable
(Wall Street Journal, 1988).
alcohol beverage such as beer might impact beneficially on the body: First,
through a direct physiological impact on bodily tissues and functions (which
will be focused upon here); Second, through indirect impact, but founded
equally on a physiological interaction. The mellowing influence that moderate
consumption of alcohol has, with its calming and relaxing impact, will of
itself have a sparing effect on stress-related illness (Morrell 2000). Cleophas
(1999) concludes that there is a significant psychological component in
the beneficial relationship between moderate alcohol consumption and mortality.
In either instance, it will be recognized that excessive alcohol consumption
will shift the status quo in a negative direction.
when beer is mentioned as one of the healthy drinks, especially from a
professional in the field of Human Nutrition!
beer as a healthy drink but to showcase the associated nutritional benefits of
beer from the perspectives of findings from evidence-based scientific
researches. This presentation is about the review of nutrients content of beer
and potentials of such nutrients in promoting a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies
need food to provide energy (calories) and the building blocks of our tissues
(notably amino acids). Foods are taken into the body in the form of protein,
carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals and water. Our wellbeing is therefore
incontrovertibly related to what we eat and drink. If any individual nutrient
component of the diet is present in excess or it is insufficient in quantity,
then the diet is imbalance”.
humans showed that, under normal living conditions. Moderate alcohol
consumption (e.g. 60-75 alcohol per day, which is equivalent to approximately 2
liters of average strength beer daily) had no measurable impact on energy
balance and body weight over a period of approximately one month (McDonald et
al 1993).
index of body mass (perhaps of most interest to women) is waist hip ratio
(WHR). Just as for BMI, it is variously been concluded that alcohol lowers
(Kaye et al 1990), raises (Lapidus et al 1969) of has no effect (Haffer et al
1986) on WHR. In a recent investigation, Buemann et al (2002)
measured the amount of food consumed by subjects given beer, wine or a
carbonated soft drink with the meal when people were given a designated
quantity of each drink there was no significant difference between any of the
beverages in respect of impact on the amount of food consumed.
beers, for most beers, the majority of these are partial degradation products
of starch, which generally amount 20-25% of the original starch. These are
referred to as dextrin and contribute to the soluble fiber component if they
survive to the large gut where they may form part of the feedstock for the micro
barley cell walls, and their breakdown products, also contribute to the soluble
fiber complement. Some sugars may survive fermentation, but if there are sugars
in beer it is usually because brewers have added them in small quantities to
balance sourness and bitterness. Beer is essentially fat free. Fats are highly
watered-insoluble molecules which, when present in foodstuffs, are either in
the form of emulsion or within a solid matrix.
beers contain very few insoluble solids. Although beer does contain some
protein, indeed rather more than in other alcoholic beverages, the levels are
somewhat lower than in many other foodstuffs. Beer contains the essential amino
acids, at levels of thee order of 5-10 mg per 100 g. beer, being at last 90%
water, may clearly be a significant contributor to water intake among beer
drinkers. The recommended daily intake of water for an adult male in temperate
climates is 2.5 liters, to be increased in relation to local body temperature
and/or physical exertion. Requirement for female is relatively lower.
Nutritionists recommend the consumption of at least 6-8 glasses of water daily
of which beer drinkers can benefit from its consumption. It is rather hard to
ignore the fact that alcohol exerts a diuretic effect.
though, as beer is a drink customarily of lower alcohol content than other
alcoholic beverages it is the more useful as a source of water. The lower beers
have been promoted as sport drinks, as an opportunity of replenishing water,
minerals and energy to the body (Piendl, 1990).
observation that alcohol suppresses the desire to take up calories, from other
foodstuffs raises concerns about unbalanced diets. In particular, that those who depend on alcohol
as a source calories run at risk of vitamin shortage. In this context beer,
with its vitamin content, would be a wiser beverage than other alcoholic drinks
(though, of course, it is wisest to use it in moderation as part of a properly
balanced diet). Beer can be a valuable source of many of the water-soluble
vitamins, notably folate, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and niacin.
As much as 10% of daily intake of folate might come from beer in some
countries. The fat soluble vitamins do not survive in beer and are lost with
insoluble components in processing. Some beers contain vitamin C, because the
vitamin is added to protect the beer from oxidation. Stringer (1946) noted that
the levels of vitamins in beer are proportional to the ingredients used as raw
materials. If beer is all malt, or is produced with the employment of
cereal-based adjuncts, then the vitamin level would be higher than one produced
from a grist including a high proportion of sugar. Stringer in 1946 further
stated that Beers tend to contain very low level of thiamine, owing to the fact
that it is take up by yeast. However, in attempts to fortify bear with
thiamine, it was found that when the vitamin was added to beer it was soon
eliminated by unknown reactions with other components of the product (Thompson
et al 1990).
of thiamine by the body (Hoyumpa 1980, the high levels of residual yeast
present in eighteenth-century beer have provided vitamins to the diet. This
might have been part of reasons why beer was portrayed by Williams Hogarth as leading to a healthier life style (.g less
beriberi and other neurological diseases) than gin.